Converting or downloading to CSV
When converting or downloading fasta to csv, the input must consist of a header beginning with ">"
, followed by the name of the header. The following line must be the sequence corresponding to that header.
Often people want to encode multiple types of information
in their headers, if you have a header with multiple columns of information then you may select the
appropriate delimiter in the delimiter setting. The header will be broken up into its constituent parts.
For example:
>4xB001_03-05-2014_British Columbia_ACUTE
will become:
4xB001 | 03-05-2014 | British Columbia | ACUTE |
The line following the header must be a sequence of (ATCG) or extended mixture base pairs (R,Y,K,M,S,W,B,H,D,V,N, or :) or '-' for gaps.
Sequences may span multiple lines for a given header, or they may be one line.